May Wrap-up

Hey people of Earth! (and my fellow Martians) May’s come to an end now and I’m having some conflicting feelings about it. For one, school’s almost over (!!) and my birthday’s right around the corner (!!!). May’s also been a great month in the reading sense- I read a lot of books and even some nonfiction (if you are my mother, you would be jumping with joy). I competed in a music competition and won first place, which was great, and in my school ukulele concerts I lead the songs and sang pretty well, at least according to my friends XD.

On the other hand, I came down with a horrible cold in late April and it STILL hasn’t gone away. It’s actually gone worse. We’ve tried, like everything- a special oil that my grandmother prepared (garlic, onion, black pepper, etc.) and having honey on a daily basis. I’ve rubbed in Vicks and inhaled eucalyptus water vapor (urgh). Nothing has really worked and I’m sick of being sick (pun intended).

Plus, for a couple of days this blog had little to no traffic. I had no post ideas and none of my already limited creative juices were flowing. I just didn’t want to break my record of posting at least once a week since February by posting nothing for twelve days, so I forced something out of my head (which, by the way, you should def check out XD Consenting Lies Short Story).

So… on to my first monthly wrap-up!

Untitled design (1)

So, for the past bit of 2019, I didn’t read many actual, physical books, which sucks to admit. Mostly I was focusing on expanding this blog and being obsessed with Webtoons. See my two posts (Webtoon review pt. 1: Gourmet Hound and Webtoon review pt. 2: Yumi’s Cells) if you want to know more.

Buttt, this month I read some more than my usual few re-reads, one or two new reads.

1. The Friendship Riddle

2. The Upside of Unrequited

3. The Power of Habit

4. Are you there, God? It’s me, Margaret

5. The Mysterious Benedict Society r

6. The Lost Hero r

7. You Bring The Distant Near

* r means reread.


Um, so, it’s been a tad bit slow around here. (also idk why my ‘blogging‘ graphic above is shown cut off. can someone help me with that? yes you, you amazing blogger reading this right now I send my love xxx please help me <3)

Ok, scratch that- May stats have been higher than all other months so far, but the past week has been kinda slow. No comments, likes, follows. And thennn the bomb of stuff happened and we reached 50 followers!! There’ll definitely be a post on that soon 😀

Here’re some stats:

149 visitors



22 new followers (!!)

And here are my posts from May:
photography 1.0 ft. me being obsessed with selfies

Snippets from the Life of LV pt. 1

Spring Cleaning Book Tag (the orig.)

Mother’s Day Tribute

Mystery Blogger Award!

toxic masculinity

Story Prompt #1

Consenting Lies Short Story

Book Recommendation Collab ft. Grace – (I had a ton of fun on the collaboration with Grace; check out my recommendations on her blog here!)

Wow, so that’s a grand total of nine posts this month! It’s done wonders for One in a Million. However, I’ve gotta say that I’ve been pretty stressed out about keeping to my schedule (what schedule? no schedule) of posting a couple times a week. So I’m gonna change it up; from now I’ll post

Sundays and occasionally Wednesdays.

(Wednesdays if I feel like it, that is.)

life graphic

kk. literally no one wants to hear me ramble about my life, so I’ll keep it quick.

*proceeds to write a ten paragraph essay about life, the universe, and everything 42*

**type DOUGLAS ADAMS BOI in the comments if you got the reference**

I’ve made some pretty neat friends, and they shall be hereby named as L, R, M, F, and S. And a boy who shall be called J. Hi guys! They’ve helped me get by at school (it sucks, but my school honestly is horrible). As I mentioned, I won first prize at a competition and my school ukulele performances were super fun. My friend in that class, F, is also a super sweetie <3.

However, some other friends have been // uhm.

So I’m having friend problems, not necessarily from school or whatever. Whoopee. The friends I hang out with are a bit distant, though. Well, actually, one person in particular is. One friend, as usual always makes me happy. My other friend and I are getting closer and I love talking to her. The others are also awesome.

And then there’s my friend who I’ll call H. She’s the best. We used to have the best conversations with each other. Except now she’s distant to me, especially. I understand that she has the right to be friends with me or not, but I don’t understand why she’s suddenly pushed me away. She’s an introvert with the best thoughts and she is honestly so fun to talk to. I miss all the conversations we used to have and when I try to initiate one, she doesn’t seem interested at all.

Okie, that’s enough rambling for one post. I hope we can be on better terms soon, before the end of the year!

Untitled design

How has your month been? Do you know the 42 reference? Are you going to stay tuned in for the 50 followers post?

See you all later!


44 thoughts on “May Wrap-up

  1. also, congrats on 50 followers, I’m so proud of youuu; we need party poppers. to ann- to celebrate with! I’m so sorry you haven’t recovered from your cold yet.. have you tried these called marshmallow root, thyme and ivy leaves syrup, or osha root? -magical sparks fly at the mention of their names- okay, so for the blogging graphic, what tool are you using/how big are the dimensions?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. oh okay. the design was 1080×1080 px. hopefully I can figure it out with your help! and also, for the collab we were planning, do you want to work on it on Monday? we keep forgetting (it’s just me, actually lol) during lunch 😀

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      1. uhm, oh gosh, crello can be so frustrating sometimes :(( alas, it’s all for the phototext.. did you try replicating it all over again? the blogging text seems to be cut off because of this invisible white box thing (much good words), so try increasing the dimensions so the box thing becomes bigger too? also, try re-adjusting the text box. if those don’t work, could you send me the font you used and the image? if THAT doesn’t work, CURSE CRELLO. ahem. sorry. that wasn’t very nice.
        oh, yeah, I have everything ready for the collab. don’t worry, I’ll remind you ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡~) xx

        Liked by 1 person

    Ayyyy, my girl Adi out here being amazing! 50 followers – woop woop! You totally deserve it (& more!) 💕
    Well done for winning that music thingy! I could never do that kind of thing in front of people (ok, autocorrect just changed people to pea pole – Um…ok?)
    Hope you get better soon! I had a cold a couple months ago that I could just not shift 😤 colds are so annoying, like they just hang around FOR. EVER!
    Don’t worry too much about stats & stuff, you’ve gotta remember that real people read your blog & sometimes they’re just behind in reading posts or something, same goes to the posting schedule, just pick something you can stick with. I know a lot of bloggers make a big fuss of having a posting schedule & yeah, it’s good to post regularly but can you actually remember other bloggers’ blogging schedules? Like, nah, a post just pops up in your reading & you read it! So don’t worry too much about that kinda stuff, I think a blogging schedule should be more for you, to help keep you organised! 💕
    Sorry to hear about the friendship troubles but at least new friends! 🤷‍♀️ look on the bright side & all that ☀️
    Wow…this was a long comment! But I wanted to make sure I caught everything from my blogging bestie 😉💕

    Liked by 1 person

      Aww, THANK YOU! You got to a hundred- I’m super happy for you! And thank youuuu once more 💕 *insert blushing face*.
      Omg lol, “pea pole”?? Girl, what have you been teaching your autocorrect?! (jk) And, once again, thanks!!! I bet you could do it, you’ve probably just never tried. In fact, you’d get 0th place! (ahh I just realized how mean that sounds but I meant like better than 1st place ok I’m rambling.)
      Ughhh, colds are so annoying! OOF THAT’S A WHILE. I hope it goes away too!!
      Oh, thank you!! You are so right- stats don’t mean much. I only included them in my post because I didn’t know what to type and it seemed like some concrete thing that I could actually use 🤣 You’re always reading and supporting my blog so another huuuuge thanks! 💕 And yes, I’m only keeping a schedule so that I don’t get too stressed out about posting every three days or whatever (I even don’t know what goes on in this head of mine lol) 😉
      (that looked super weird in caps, btw)
      Yay! New friends! I think it’ll be fine though, so all’s well!
      I loved hearing from you! This long comment literally made my week. And thank you, blogging bestie!! 😉 💕
      Also El, how is your life? You just sent this amazingly sweet comment and I so want to know more about you- milk chocolate, white choc, or dark cocoa?? And pineapple on pizza? What’s your favorite food, especially from your home country? How are you reacting to this onslaught of annoying questions XD? (and why are they all about food??? yes, I’m obsessed I think) Also- cookies, cake, brownies, or ice cream?
      Aditi xxxxx

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      1. 🥰🥰😘
        Nah, I love the random questions (especially about food because food is life!)
        Milk chocolate definitely, white chocolate is just weird (one of my best friends likes white chocolate. And. I. Just. Do not. understand it!
        Pineapple on pizza – absolutely NO WAY!
        Fav food? Humm….ok, my dad makes this thing we call chicken pizziolo (it basically means chicken pizza style) & it’s chicken in breadcrumbs with tomato sauce & pasta & mozzarella & is sooooo nice! As for my home county? Well, I’m from England so…I can’t think of any other British food other than an English breakfast & bangers & mash 😂
        I’m loving this onslaught of questions! 😝
        OMG GURL IDK! I cannot choose! It all depends on what mood I’m in, what flavour they all are…like, nah, I can’t pick!
        Now you! What are your answers?

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        1. Yesss food is life 💙💙💙
          Milk choc IS great, but I also love white chocolate and dark chocolate is amazing with a bit of sweetness and in small quantities! *shakes head* I do not get you, my sister.
          Pineapple on pizza- YES WAYYY! Ok, fine, do you at least like pineapple by its self??
          Haha, the breadcrumbs and tomato sauce and mozzarella sounds greattt (I’m in if it involves breadcrumbs) ‘cept I’m vegetarian so I’m not sure about the rest 😂 And lol, I totally didn’t just search up breakfast and bangers and mash XD
          UM I SERIOUSLY DUNNO GURL. But I think brownies anydayyyy but ice cream only in the summer and cake for birthday parties 😉
          Ok, now questions that aren’t about food (whoop this is harddd)… let’s see. Ok. Do you listen to audiobooks? If so, do you know where to get free ABs? What about getting ARCs? What sites do you use? And since you’re English, do you have a SIMPLY SCRUMPTIOUS accent? Does that mean I’ll love you even though you don’t like dark choc and pineaplles on pizza?? (oh oh)
          😂😂😂 Now you ask me questions!

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          1. Yes! Pineapple on its own is 👌 but cooked? Nah!
            That’s cool you’re vegetarian – ethical or you just don’t like meat?
            I don’t listen to audiobooks (so I can’t help you with your free crusade either! 😂 Except to tell you about the audible free trial (#notsponsored) but you probably already know about that!) idk, I just like doing something. It’s kinda like how I’m not a big fan of movies & TV shows because I can’t just sit there & do nothing – I like turning the pages & having to read the words. I do get the whole but you can do other stuff while you listen to audiobooks but I do that with podcasts & YouTube & I know I miss stuff because I’m not giving it my full attention 🤷‍♀️
            Ok, I’m not the best person to ask about ARCs 😂 I review for a UK book selling website because I’m not really a big enough blog to get ARCs direct from publishers (ARCs are expensive to print so you need a lot of followers for it to be worth the publishers time) I’d suggest looking into websites to review for (because they can afford to give you copies because it benefits them by you submitting a review for their website) The only thing about that way is they don’t do it for every book & it’s definitely not reliable for books you actually want to read (don’t know if that was helpful or me just rambling about my life 😂)
            I don’t know if I have a simply scrumptious accent? I’m from a pretty well off area so I guess I have a bit of a ‘posh’ accent but definitely nothing like you hear in TV shows 😂
            HEY! I do actually like dark chocolate but milk is the best (*whispers* & white is the worst)
            Some questions? 🧐
            What’s your favourite subject?
            *daunting question* what do you want to be when you’re older? (I’m sorry, I’m sorry 😂)
            Um…what’s your favourite food? Fav pizza topping? (I swear, if you say pineapple!) Fav drink? (We have to give liquids a chance too!)

            Liked by 1 person

            1. YOU ARE EXCUSED, SISTER. *ahem, pineapples are LIFE*
              I’m vegetarian by birth, but it’s also partly religious and I would never ever ever ever eat meat ever even if my parents wanted me to. It’s horribly unethical and you can tell I feel quite strongly about it 🙂
              That’s ok XD I’m just out for free things! And books are the bestest option always, so 😀 You’re right, though; I feel better actually doing stuff. With an audiobook, I’ll need to be doing homework or something (and then get an F) to not be bored.
              Nah, you’re perfect to ask! Haha, no, none of us will be getting ARCs from publishers right now. That was helpful! So what UK bookselling comp do you review for? And do they give E-copies?
              You probably do have a simply scrumptious accent XD and I really want to hear that amazing beautiful goodness and it just may be THE BEST accent (I mean, Hermione was priceless!).
              Oh, ok! I’m sorry I ever doubted you, my friend! *bowes shamefully* 😀 BUT WHITE CHOC IS AMAZINGGG
              Probably ELA (english language arts) aka Writing (wow WHAT a surprise!) and AHHH I DON’T KNOW YET. My mom keeps asking me and I’m always changing the topic. But I’m actually scared that I will grow up to work in McDonald’s or something if I don’t get into college and don’t get a job (yeah my mom’s rubbing off on me).
              Fav food?? I don’t know! Maybe rajma, it’s an Indian dish that my mom makes and it’s only amazing if my mom makes it 😂 Fav pizza topping? It’s probably a tie between olives, artichokes (I’m that one person who likes them) and pineapples (I WILL NEVER BACK DOWN EL. DEAL WITH IT) Fav drink? (revolution of the liquids!) maybe a coke slushy that my friend’s mom made at her bday party. It was really good! Maybe just smoothies and milkshakes in general WAIT NO I KNOW- boba tea! Have you ever tried it?

              Liked by 1 person

              1. I review for a site called lovereading4kids. I get physical ARCS, which is cool but there’s like never any YA, it was much better when I was a kid 😡 I don’t think they do E-ARCs tho 😦
                Hehe, I don’t think I could top Hermione!
                Ok, this might be like the most basic thing to you but what exactly is ELA? Is it like English in the UK or something different?
                Fair enough! I won’t ask again 🤐 I don’t really know either except I think I want to go into design – maybe costume for theatre or something?
                I’m sure you won’t end up in McDonald’s & even if you do, you’re so good at writing you could probably write on the side, publish your novel and then be a world famous author (you better credit one of your books to me if that happens!)
                I love a milkshake 💕 I haven’t had boba tea in ages but it’s so niceeeeee….

                Liked by 1 person

                1. Ooh nice! Hmm, maybe I can ask my parents if that’s okay? Do you know if they ship international? It sucks that they don’t have much YA 😦
                  Ooh, haha, ELA stands for English Language Arts. It’s basically English, yeah. We call it Language Arts or ELA or English or Writing… yup 😀
                  I probably won’t (hopefully) but thank youuu! I’m so touched you feel that way. I’d better credit a book to you! I’d be a sucky friend otherwise 😉
                  Milkshakes are ❤ GREAT XD and boba is so niceeee you should have it sometime soon!

                  Liked by 1 person

                    1. Yeah- thank you! Oh also, do you have any social media for your blog? (I’m mainly asking for Twitter) It would be cool if we could DM each other and continue the conversation- I’m having a bunch of fun 😀

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  3. Douglas Adams for the win! Having friend troubles sucks, but I’m glad you were able to meet some new ones! And that cold? Sending you some good vibes to kick its butt. No one needs a cold at the end of the school year. I was actually looking for a good book to read. Of all the ones that you read or reread last month, which was your favourite?

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    1. Haha, yeah! I’m glad too 🙂 they’re awesome! Thank you! *good vibes blow in* *cold runs away screaming* Exactly- I wish my cold would hear that message and SKEDADDLE 😤 That’s great! I’d love to recommend other books for you if you let me know what genres you prefer, but my favorite from this month was probably The Upside of Unrequited, followed by You Bring The Distant Near. Hope that helps! You can also check out my collab post which has a ton of recommendations from Grace, another awesome blogger. 😀 just a bit of promo, that’s all!

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  4. Yay!!! Big congratulations to winning first place in the music competition and doing the concert. That sounds amazing!! I wish I learnt how to play an instrument!! 😊
    Oh no… colds are the worse. And when they take ages to go it is so exhausting. I hope you are feeling better now!! 😊
    Yes sometimes I don’t get how to work my blog– one time I posted sometimes and each sections had lots of space between them and I was like how did that happen?!?! So sorry I don’t know what to do– usually I upload it to the site again and again and hope it sorts itself out!! 😂 and stats are always weird– they can have weird influxs 😂 but well done on 50 followers *dance party*
    That’s a shame that one of your friends isn’t as talkative with you– I hope that changes and you can have some great conversations again!!
    I hope you have a great rest of June and read some great books!!! 💛

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    1. Heyy Sophieee! Thank you so much! You should definitely learn an instrument- ukulele is pretty easy, maybe you could try that! 😊
      Ugggh they are! Thank you – I still have it though 😑
      Yeah, same! Once I posted and the lines had no spaces in between?? Like whaa?
      😂 thank youuu!
      Yeah, I hope we go back to normal soon!
      Thank you for your comment! You too!! 💙

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      1. Hey Aditi!!! You’re welcome!! Yes that sounds good– I used to play the guitar when I was younger and my favourite song was Twinkle Twinkle Little Star haha– I had a very rock star experience!!! haha!!
        Ah no. I hope it goes away. I hear chocolate helps gets rid of colds ;-)!!
        I know sometimes I think wordpress and formatting is just a mystery only a few get!!
        You’re very welcome!! Thank you ❤

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